Tuesday, November 27, 2012


22209827 / 4EB07

Bussines and Profesional Ethic for Accountans
(Buku Leonard J Brooks)

halaman 76 :
1. Apakah Joan atau Miguel yang benar ? kenapa ?
Jawab :
Joan , karena dia ingin advokasi pengungkapan yang akan mengarah pada dunia yang lebih baik bagi semua. Sebagai contoh, jika kita hanya bisa mendapatkan perusahaan untuk memulai mengungkapkan mereka dampak terhadap masyarakat, dan khususnya lingkungan kita, mereka akan mendorong untuk menetapkan target, dan melakukan lebih baik tahun berikutnya. kita tahu bahwa kehilangan eksternalitas, seperti polusi biaya, tidak disertakan dalam laporan keuangan, tetapi kita bisa berbicara untuk tambahan pengungkapan.

halaman 77 :
1. Siapa pemilik saham yang terlibat dalam keputusan ini ?
Jawab :
Anne Distagne
2. Apakah permasalahan etika terlibat ?
Jawab :
ya, karena disini, Anne Distagne, yang menjabat sebagai CEO di perusahaan Linkage Construction, yang dimana Sue adalah anak buah atau karyawan dari perusahaan tersebut. Disini Anna, sangat egois karena dia seorang pemimpin perusahaannya, dia tidak mau mendengarkan pendapat dari kaeryawannya atau bawahannya, sue .
3. Apa yang seharusnya Sue lakukan ?
Jawab :
Sue sebagai karyawan atau bawahan dari Anne, seharusnya dia terus membantu anne dalam permasalahan di perusahaannya. Walaupun dia hanyalah seorang bawahan dari Anne, dia harus tau juga dimana etika sebagai bawahan dan atasan .

Monday, October 15, 2012


 Bussines and Profesional Ethic for Accountans
(Buku Leonard J Brooks)

   1. Mengapa perhatian polusi menjadi sangat penting bagi manajemen dan direktur?
Jawab :
karena seperti yng dikeahui bahwa lapisamn ozon tah menipis yang disebabkan oleh terbatasnya keampuan untuk menekan konsentrasi dari racun-racun dan zat beracun lainnya. Serta banyaknya perusahaan yang tidak memiliki solusi untuk mengatasi polusi air audara yang mereka sebabkan karena alasan biaya. karena itu cepat atau lambat publik yang merasa perhatian terhadap kselamatan akan protest dengan membuat suatu kelompok yg memilik kepentingan yg sama. Mereka mulai menekan perusahaan dan pemerintah secara langsung meningkatkan standar keselamatan untuk emisi perusahaan.        
   3. Apa yang bisa akuntan profesional lakukan untuk mencegah berkembangnya kesenjangan  kredibilitas dan kesenjangan harapan?
Jawab :
Para komite audit dan komite audit keduanya merupakan orang-orang yang berbeda dengan direktur.memiliki panduan yang luas soal penciptaan perusahaan,dan peningkatan desain pelaporan untuk mempromosikan integritas perusahaan dan daat mnghadapi krisis ini.         
    5. Mengapa mungkin perilaku korporasi yang beretika menyebabkan profitabilitas yang lebih tinggi?
Jawab :
Karena para investor melihat dana yang mereka investasikan itu untuk apa saja. Apabila penggunaan dana yang sudah dinvestasikan dapat digunakan dengan bijak oleh perusahaan tentunya para investor tidak akan ragu untuk menanamkan lebih banyak dananya dan tentukan dapat menambah laba atau profitabilits perusahaan. Contohnya penggunaan dana untuk pembuatan dana pensiun. pertanggungjawaban terhadap suatu dana juga dapat menarik perhatian terhadap publik apalgi dananya untuk dana sosial.
    7.Bagaimana perusahaan memastikan bahwa karyawan mereka berperilaku etis?
Jawab :
Dengan membuat kode etik / panduan. Setelah melaksanakan kode,memonitor kegiatan yang berhubungan dan melakukan pelaporan tentang perilaku baik secara internal maupun eksteral>
    9. Apa saja elemen umum dari tiga pendekatan untuk pengambilan keputusan etis yang secara singkat diuraikan dalam bab?
Jawab :
Yang pertama apakah keputusan tersebut menyediakan keuntungan untuk masyarakat.Yang kedua apakah keputusan tersebut adil. dan terakhir apakan kebutusan itu benar. 

22209827 / 4EB07

Friday, June 22, 2012

My Beloved Parents

My Parents are the best for me.
Like other parents,loving,caring,suggesting always they do.

My daddy really spoil me because i am the one and only daughter that he has. I have 3 big brother, that is why i often feel special than other ;)
daddy always provided and give me everything that i want and need, she never let me down. i still remember when he thougt me how to sing an english song "cannt help falling in love with you". i was two years old at that time, i sing that song with "baby language" and my daddy laught, my daddy has a beautiful voice he thougth me how to sing, beside singing he also thought me how to swim. i am a fuzzy person same with him . My daddy always said that i am the most beautiful daughter ever, everything that i did he always proud of it. every move that i made always get compliment from him.
but now i have to face the truth that my daddy passed away,it's been one year without him, i miss him so badly and i really miss his precious voice.

My mommy is a SUPERMOM.
she is the best mom ever, she take care of me from A to Z and she also spoil me. but different with daddy my mom will not give me something without effort,she will not give me something that i want directly. she always teach me how to act in front of people surround me.
My mom has she faith to my dad, she took care of my dad wholeheartedly until the last time.
my mom is a strong person, she can solve every problem, she always protect me nicely.
even she is so fuzzy when i naughty, but i know that is because she really love me and i love her too.
i always tell all of my dayly activities,and sharing story with her.
i really love my mom, i want make her glad. i will do everything for her even mylife is for her because i now she  stake herlife too for me.

my parents was like romeo and juliet,never can be separated.


Digital marketing is the use of digital sources based on electronic signal like Internet, digital display advertising and other digital media such as television, radio, and mobile phones in the promotion of brands and products to consumers. Digital marketing may cover the more traditional marketing areas such as Direct Marketing by providing the same method of communicating with an audience but in a digital fashion.

-        Digital marketing – Pull versus Push

Two different forms of digital marketing exist.
Pull digital marketing in which the consumer must actively seek the marketing content often via web searches or the recipient has given permission to receive content that is sent to the consumer by email, text message and web feed. Websites, blogs and streaming media (audio and video) are also examples of pull digital marketing. Articles with specific target / topic are a great source to pull interested viewwers. In each of these, users have to link to the website to view the content. Only current web browser technology is required to maintain static content. However, additional internet marketing technologies (search engine optimization) may be required to attract the desired consumer demographic.
Push digital marketing technologies in which the marketer sends a message without the consent of the recipients, such as display advertising on websites and news blogs. Email, text messaging and web feeds can also be classed as push digital marketing when the recipient has not given permission to receive the marketing message. (This is also known as spam). Push technologies can deliver content immediately as it becomes available and are better targeted to their consumer demographics, although audiences are often smaller, and the costs of creation and distribution are higher. Push digital marketing technologies are more proper when done with the prior permission, the concept called as permission marketing. This is also more ethical. Permission can be obtained either through subsciptions, or consent to send email etc.

-        Digital Marketing and Multi-Channel Communications

Push and pull message technologies can be used in conjunction with each other. For example, an email campaign can include a banner ad or link to a content download. This enables a marketer to benefit from both types of digital marketing.

-        Companies that use digital marketing :
-        AOC
-        Bank Mandiri
-        Panen Rental
-        PT. Andesit Nata Deka
-        PT. Smart Intermedia Solusindo
-        PT. WIT and Brysca
-        PT. Raja Kamar
-        UD. Buana Teknik
-        Nirwana Pte.
-        Easy Smart.com

(source : Wikipedia and dgtraffic.com)

·        My opinion : Digital Marketing is so popular nowdays because it use internet and everyone use internet rightnow, companies,shops, almost all of enterpreneurs use this application. This is one of the greatest innovation because people can see the product which company offer just by gadget not anymore with brocure or other paper. It is so effective for selling something. Everyone can use this, example online shop. Today,so many people use online shop for selling gods and it is by online shop. They throw their product to the market by digital marketing and it is so worth that’s why we can see online shop everywhere when we are in the line (online).

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Kid's Abnormal Breathing During Sleep Linked to Increased Risk for Behavioral Difficulties

A study of more than 11.000 childrean followed for over six years has found that young children with sleep disordered breathing are prone to developing behavioral difficulties such as hyperactivity and aggressiveness, as well as emotional symptomsand difficulty with peer relationships, according to researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshive University. Their study, the largest and most comprehensive of its kind, published online today in the journal pediatrics.

“This is the strongest evidence to date that snoring, mouth breathin, and apnea abnormally long pauses in breathing during sleep can have serious behavioral and social-emotional consequences for children, “said study leader Karen bonuck,ph.D., professor of family and social medicine and of obstetrics & gynecology and women’s health at Einstein. “ parents and pediatricians alike should be paying closer attention to sleep-disordered breathing in young children, perhaps as early as the first year of life”.

-        -The 1st Times (march 6, 2012)-

*My opinion :

Sleep disordered breathing could be heal if parents can prevent it by teach them for a simple exercise such as swimming. Children also need to do sport for their health. And the children used to take a nap or rest their body after playing so they will not feel so tired. And eat a healthy food, do not make them love junk food. Just teach the children to live with a healthy life.

Bamboo is a good product for our environment

For making a good product, the company usually use a practical material such as plastic. but plastic is not good for our environment because plastic is really hard to disheveled.

And now for fulfill my task about new product, i would like to make a new product which the material is from bamboo. I want to make a recycle bin from it. and Bamblove is the name of my product.

The advantage from my product are : easy to produce, has a cheap material, easy to clean, and ofcourse this product really friendly to our environtment. The disadvantage are : because bamboo is a plant so if we rare to clean this up usually moss will live in around the side of bamboos.

At first i will make this product with my brother because he really good in art and design, then if i get some profit i will take a several employees for fulfill the order if the order get increase.

I hope everyone will love this product as they love their environtment :)

Violence in Demonstration

To express something in the democratic country, people usually us demonstration as the way. But unfortunatelly now on demonstration always followed with violence. Ofcourse this is not a good way to express something when people feel upset about something example, about fuel. When the government said that the price of fuel will be increased, peoples directly mad and do demonstration. 

Violence never has a good value, they are much of demonstration that followed with violence such as demonstration in 1998, many people injured even died by this action because the demonstrator Not only making people injured but also ruining public facilities. It should not happen if people thing before act. They are three factors why people do violance when they are in demontration. There is a provocator, people’s anger and less of guardian.

First, When people do demonstration usually there is a speaker that yaling their aspiration. And sometimes the speaker alo being a provocator when she or he said some words that makes the situation getting worst and make people wants to do violent.

Second,  people that feel really upset will do something out of their mind. Now day many people feel upset because of goverment’s decission, example because of the increasing of fuel’s price also making every need’s price get increase but the sallary of every employees never be increased ofcourse that makes people feel upset and angry and when they do demostration the violence can not be denied.

The last, the guardian from police is really less in every demonstration it cause when the demontration happening  they can not controll the bad action such as violence. Less of person from the police also make the situation getting worst.
In brief, violence in demonstration can not solve every problem.provocator, people’s anger and less of guardian are the reasons why violence in every demonstration always happening. If we want to do demonstration just do it peacefully.think before act is the best way.

By : Nadia Yolanda Marneli (3EB07)

about me

Full Name : Nadia Yolanda Marneli
Nick : Ola
Sex : Female
Date of birth : January 14th, 1991
Address : Anggrek 5th street / 165 Depok 1

I am a college student in Gunadarma University faculty economic, majority accounting. I choose accounting because i love accounting. I learn accounting since i was in senior highschool and my passion is in accounting.

I am cheerfull , energetic, easy going, extrovert, loveable, love to learn something new. I am a moody person that is why i just do something that i really love. I hate cat and i really love rabbit.

My hobbies are travelling, shopping, playing plays station, singing and watching movies.

Beside being a college student, i also work as a assistant in one of Gunadarma University labroratory. I work in tax labroratory. The reason why i want to be an assistant is because i love teaching. I really love the moment when i teach my junior about tax and they understand what i mean.

My goal are two, become an auditor and become a teacher because i love those jobs 